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Art Is So Good For Your Soul..... And Your Home

Your home should be your sanctuary.  A place of solace, tranquility and comfort.  A space that expresses your personality and reflects the values that you hold within.  Your home is the perfect place for telling the world a visual story of who you are and the kind of beauty that exists within your mind.

Art has existed as a way of human expression and communication for a millennia and thank goodness because I love decorating my home with beautiful artwork that has been created by a talent that I can only ever dream of.

The presence of artwork in your home not only beautifies the space but it can also provide mental stimulation, evoke emotions and ignite our own imaginations and ability to create.  Art speaks to us in ways that words cannot and it is a wonderful way to breath life and character into your living space.


Having beautiful art in your home can turn your space into something dynamic and uplifting - a real treat for the eyes of your visitors and great for starting conversation.  Walls are boring without that splash of your personality on them so choose your artwork wisely to represent you character and internal world.

Fix My Crown is the proud home of Ali-P, a Northern Irish artist who creates the most beautiful, joyful artwork with messages designed to inspire and encourage feel good vibes.  There is not one piece created by Ali that I haven't fallen in love with and almost every room in my house proudly shows off her work.

The art you display in your home isn’t just about showing and telling the world the story of who you are.  It’s also an invitation to stop, look, slow down, be present in the moment and nourish your soul away from the ever-increasing busyness of life.  

I believe that art should be an essential part of your home.  A great way to enhance your living space, consider the profound impact it can have in your home and invite beauty, inspiration, and meaning to take root and flourish in every corner of your space.

Shop our stunning Ali-P range here.